Saturday, 19 December 2020
Friday, 13 November 2020
The services for the next four weeks.
On Sundays access via : https://zoom.us/j/689078489
Monday, 12 October 2020
Sundays for the next four weeks
Sunday Church 10.45am - 12 noon
Interactive online services for all the family
Meeting ID: 689 078 489
Friday, 21 August 2020
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Friday, 1 May 2020
Update on ZOOM meetings
The current situation means we cannot meet at the church building. We can remain Church with a capital 'C' though.
The way we are doing this at the moment is through an app called 'Zoom' ....... and, no it's nothing to do with speed !
join in any of the meetings please use the links below at the
appropriate time. For some it will also require you to enter the Meeting
ID number - depends on what you are accessing it on.
The various groups and times are listed below.
is not the entire range of things that are going on as some of them,
because of their nature, cannot be presented in the public domain and
published on the blog.
for prayer
Tuesday & Thursday 12.30-12.45pm https://zoom.us/j/872015309
Meeting ID: 872 015 309
Sunday Church 10.45am - 12 noon
Interactive online service for
all the family https://zoom.us/j/689078489
Meeting ID: 689 078 489
Wednesday Singing Cafe at 11am
Singing Cafe starting Wednesday May 6, 2020 at 11:00amhttps://zoom.us/j/92050899409
Meeting ID: 920 5089 9409
Join on line or call in on
0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240 and be ready to enter the following Meeting ID on your keypad 920 5089 9409
Thursday Evening Bible Study 7.45 - 9.00pm
Discover the bible for yourself. Open to anyone to join
Meeting ID: 842 675 702
Saturday, 11 April 2020
Easter Sunday morning. (Mary’s journey)
Sunday morning. (Mary’s journey)
First thing Sunday morning,
the birds have ceased their reveille
and the sun is yet to ward off
the remaining fingers of cold.
Two nights with little sleep
toll heavy with a cold of their own.
Friday night was full of anger and hurt,
the six-hour sight of suffering
a lingering bad breath in the mind
fighting off the need for sleep.
Saturday night was full of fear and loss,
fitful remembrances and frightening imaginations,
and the terrible sense of a thing unfinished.
So, less than fresh,
she met the awakening day.
How she came to be here,
already outside the city -
a mystery of preoccupation,
familiar streets merely ghosts in passing.
Now, the aroma of the spices in her hand
slowly bring the day into perspective,
as the road brightens beneath heavy feet.
How she would bribe the guards
to move the stone, still unformed,
a strategy of beguiling, formed from poverty,
may need to suffice.
Why she was going, to perform the ritual,
a disparity of honouring the dead
and a last chance to touch Him.
Entering the garden, an acrid incense
of stale spice and stale bodies
overcomes the well intentioned scent
of the gardeners craft.
Death has its own bouquet.
The path leads quickly to the tomb,
though each footfall is an age of distress,
each turn - a curtain of protection removed,
before the inevitable encounter with reality.
At the tomb, the mouth of an abyss
its jaws open in emptiness,
the world falls apart
and unshed tears
fall unfettered
from a broken heart.
He is not here.
On this hill
For those who are interested, this is my poem, David screened it at
the Good Friday service. The video voiceover and slide show was by Louis
Kasatkin of Destiny Church, Wakefield.
the video link: on this hillthe text:
On this hill
(a contemplation)
In darkest daylight
with all sin revealed
the host is lifted high.
There is no melancholy melody to this sacrifice,
no quietude of choir-filled gentility
to align thought and soul.
This altar of absorbing pain
staggers the senses, grips the mind.
This is a solitary place.
A hermitage,
crowded with broken hearts
and wounded spirits,
oblivious of their fellows.
Let sense be dulled;
for here the sting of death
awaits those who turn their face
for easier vistas.
This unquiet beauty of wracked passion
steals the splendour of simpler creations
and scourges art and word and song.
Tears are the sea
from which this mast arises,
this lighthouse which signifies
wrecking rocks and vicious tides.
The storm which ravages here
breaches time and place,
pulsing of life and void of death.
A lightning flash shears the curtain,
the thunderous roar
a fanfare to sanctity.
On this hill eternity is on trial;
a single soul it’s witness,
the jury - a world of closed eyes.
A timbered, suffering sacrifice
sees my small pain
and weeps
for me.
A hermitage,
crowded with broken hearts
and wounded spirits,
oblivious of their fellows.
Let sense be dulled;
for here the sting of death
awaits those who turn their face
for easier vistas.
This unquiet beauty of wracked passion
steals the splendour of simpler creations
and scourges art and word and song.
Tears are the sea
from which this mast arises,
this lighthouse which signifies
wrecking rocks and vicious tides.
The storm which ravages here
breaches time and place,
pulsing of life and void of death.
A lightning flash shears the curtain,
the thunderous roar
a fanfare to sanctity.
On this hill eternity is on trial;
a single soul it’s witness,
the jury - a world of closed eyes.
A timbered, suffering sacrifice
sees my small pain
and weeps
for me.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Message from David:
Dear Friends,
As we journey through Holy Week together, I’m writing to share with you what will be happening at church over the
next 10 days and how to join us online to share in a range of different meetings and services.
Maundy Thursday ‘Stay with me’
7.45 for 8pm - A Service of Readings Reflections and Prayer
Good Friday Service for All Ages
Easter Sunday Celebration
‘The Joy of Easter’ 10.45am for 11am –
Meeting ID: 689 078 489
On Sunday 19th
please join our Service at 10.45am for 11am
Kosta Ngandu will be leading and Pastor Sammy will be our guest speaker
Meeting ID: 689 078 489
Easter Saturday
the 6-11 years Children’s Group
will gather online. We ask that parents support their children
whenever they are online with us. If you have not yet joined in with this activity please be in touch with me and I will send you the link.
We are also offering craft activities to accompany our worship services for the 3-6 years. Please let me
know if you would like to receive them and aren’t currently.
Prayers at 12.20pm
As we look ahead the next two weeks, I am being advised that we are going to be critical as we face
this health crisis together. Many of our congregation are working on the front line and I would like to invite you to join us for Prayers on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (14-16th) at 12.30pm to pray for them specifically alongside the needs of our community, country and world.
You can join us using the following link
Meeting ID: 872 015 309
Monday, 30 March 2020
Doing Church a different way
The current situation means we cannot meet at the church building. We can remain Church with a capital 'C' though.
The way we are doing this at the moment is through an app called 'Zoom' ....... and, no it's nothing to do with speed !
To join in any of the meetings please use the links below at the appropriate time. For some it will also require you to enter the Meeting ID number - depends on what you are accessing it on. (These links will remain the same so we will not publicise the numbers every week.)
Follow the onscreen prompts. This is a substantial learning curve for all of us so please be patient while the brains catch up with the software.
The various groups and times are listed below.
This is not the entire range of things that are going on as some of them, because of their nature, cannot be presented in the public domain and published on the blog.
for prayer
Monday to Saturday 12.30-12.45pm https://zoom.us/j/872015309
Meeting ID: 872 015 309
Sunday Church 10.45am - 12 noon
Interactive online service for
all the family https://zoom.us/j/689078489
Meeting ID: 689 078 489
Wednesday Singing Cafe at 11am
Singing Cafe starting Wednesday May 6, 2020 at 11:00amhttps://zoom.us/j/92050899409
Meeting ID: 920 5089 9409
Join on line or call in on
0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240 and be ready to enter the following Meeting ID on your keypad 920 5089 9409
Thursday Evening Bible Study 7.45 - 9.00pm
Discover the bible for yourself. Open to anyone to join
Meeting ID: 842 675 702
Friday, 20 March 2020
Happy Birthday Eric.
Before everything got clamped down Eric was able to have an early 80th birthday lunch.
Annie held a private party for him at the Hub on Wednesday.
Happy Birthday Eric.
Thursday, 12 March 2020
service update:
Due to current government and Baptist Union guidelines, 'Church' will need to operate a little differently to normal over the next few weeks.
When details are available they will be posted here.
Meantime keep well and keep safe
and keep each other in your prayers
(and maybe a phone call or two).
(and maybe a phone call or two).
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Saturday, 18 January 2020
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