Sunday 25 December 2011

Advent Candle 5

The Fifth Candle (The Christ Candle)

Advent candle #5

And so the die is cast
in form of child
the God has come.
Earth cradles the King
in poverty
misplaced, misunderstood.
The sacrifice of confinement
clothing for a while
outside eternity
the covenant

Keith Wallis        


  1. I find your little poem delightful. To bed. The message can't be a little nicer.

  2. You are a very clever, artistic, and sensitive poet, Keith. And I have enjoyed and been spiritually inspired by each of your Advent Candle poems. The Lord has blessed you with this gift as He blessed the ancient Psalmists; it's a fine gift, and you use it extremely well for His Glory. Thank you.
